According to some estimates, as much as 1.6 percent of the adult population in the US suffers from a borderline personality disorder (BPD). However, experts believe the number is much higher both in the US and around the world. Online BPD therapy like on, as well as conventional in-person therapy, can make a big difference.

To support the work of the people working on, we may receive compensation if you sign up for online counseling through the links provided.

Looking for a specialist?
Get matched with a Border Personality Disorder therapist.

In order to treat BPD, it’s important to understand the disorder. There are several therapies that therapists can use to treat BPD and allow the individual to lead a healthier life. Without proper treatment, a person with BPD can go down a downward spiral, impacting their own life as well as those around them.

Price comparison between physical and online BPD therapy

BPD sessions are normally 50 minutes long and cost between $100 and $200 per session, which is on the expensive side. Most specialist therapies for BPD are time-limited, lasting between one and three years, making in-person counseling prohibitively expensive.

According to a new study, internet counseling might be an effective treatment for those suffering from borderline personality disorder symptoms.

BetterHelp costs $60 to $90 every week (1 session) or $240 to $360 per month for its services. You can apply for financial assistance on the payment page of BetterHelp.

BetterHelp Physical BPD Therapy

$60 to $90 per week 

(One live session per week)

$100 and $200 per session

$240 to $360 per month

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BPD Online Therapy

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What is Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)?

Borderline Personality Disorder or BPD is a mental disorder that impacts how people feel about themselves and the people around them. It’s marked by very intense emotions that can take a toll on a person’s day-to-day activities, relations, and work. As a result, their behavior can get unstable as it’s driven by those intense emotions.

The person may get fixated on their appearance as a result of these thoughts, spending hours trying to disguise or cover up the perceived imperfection.
They could shy away from mirrors or spend hours staring in the mirror, fixated on their “flaw.” Though the exact symptoms of the disorder vary from person to person, BDD sufferers frequently exhibit comparable signs and behaviors.

People with BPD may struggle with their identity, relations, or self-esteem. It can occur in children as well as adults, but it’s usually diagnosed in adults only. The reason for that is children and teenagers often outgrow the symptoms as they age, so their potential BPD cannot be properly diagnosed and treated.


There are a number of signs and symptoms that may indicate that you have BPD. However, a medical professional or psychologist will ultimately diagnose it through various methods.

The symptoms of BPD include:

  • Fear of abandonment
  • Intense and unstable relationships
  • Frequent and quick changes in self-image and identity, often seeing oneself in a negative light
  • Mood swings that can last for hours or even days
  • Impulsive negative behavior and activities such as binge eating, reckless driving, drug abuse, or suddenly quitting a job
  • Stress-caused paranoia
  • Losing touch with reality from anywhere between minutes to hours
  • Quick temper and outbursts
  • Suicide or self-injury threats or thoughts, especially on rejection or fear of abandonment

BDD is often identified when the intensity of the issue consumes an excessive amount of attention, causes serious emotional distress, and impairs the person’s performance in their personal or professional setting.

Although there are connections between body dysmorphic disorder and eating disorders as well as body-focused repetitive behaviors like skin picking, nail-biting, and hair pulling, the psychological process and CBT treatment approach are very different.

Causes and Risk Factors

In some regions where the brain may not be fully grown, there may be variations in the architecture of the brain. BDD is more likely to occur in those who also have a genetic susceptibility to OCD.

While we don’t know the exact causes behind the development of borderline personality disorder, most psychologists and doctors agree that following may be the cause, or at the very least, are risk factors associated with BPD:

  • Genetics: As is common with mental disorders, genetics play an important role in the development of BPD as well. Those with a family history of this particular disorder or other mental illnesses, in general, maybe at a higher risk.
  • Brain Abnormality: Chemical changes (hormonal changes) in the brain may also result in BPD. For instance, if the part of the brain that regulates serotonin doesn’t function properly, BPD symptoms can occur.
  • Rough Childhood: Many people who have BPD report having a rough childhood and even being sexually or physically abused as a child. Children with abusive, separated, or drug addict parents may also be at risk for this order.

Looking for a specialist?
Get matched with a Border Personality Disorder therapist.

To support the work of the people working on, we may receive compensation if you sign up for online counseling through the links provided.

What is the Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder?

BPD can be treated, and therapy is the main form of treatment for this disorder. Medications may be used as well, but a therapist won’t prescribe that as they cannot prescribe medication. If they believe that your condition requires medication-based treatment, they will refer you to a psychiatrist.

When talking about therapy for BPD, it’s important to note that many people with this disorder may also have other mental disorders or illnesses. People with BPD may also have depression, anxiety, eating disorders, bipolar disorder, ADHD, or PTSD.

If BPD is accompanied by another mental disorder, the therapist or psychiatrist will have to treat the other condition as well alongside. They may or may not be linked, but still, appropriate therapies and medication must be used to treat each.

In some cases, hospitalization may also be required when the symptoms get too intrusive and your general health may be at risk. This is especially applicable in cases where the person may be at the cusp of self-harm or start having suicidal thoughts.

With all that said, the good news is that patients with BPD can make their life more normal. Especially with the help of a BPD therapist. Therapy is the main and most beneficial treatment for the condition. With the help of therapy, such individuals can learn tips and mechanisms to cope with their condition and better regulate their emotions, allowing them to live a better life.

For BPD, psychotherapy is an ongoing treatment because symptoms can reoccur. So regular therapy is the best option for controlling the symptoms of BPD. Some clients with BPD may require more frequent sessions than others, especially if they are also dealing with a second disorder.

What Therapy Is Best For Borderline Personality Disorder?

Psychotherapy or talk therapy, in general, can be quite beneficial for people with borderline personality disorder (BPD). However, there are specific therapies as well that have been found to target the problems and symptoms of individuals with BPD.

Here are the different types of therapies for BPD that a BPD therapist might use:

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT therapy for BPD is the most commonly used therapy. As a type of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), it’s usually the first order of action for BPD therapists. It essentially focuses on skill-based emotion control, teaching the client how to control and process their emotions and avoid distressing situations. It can also allow them to work on their relationships with friends, family, and romantic partners.

With mindfulness and awareness as important components of this therapy, it helps them link their thoughts and emotions with their actions and consequences.

Schema-Focused Therapy

Schema-Focused therapy combines elements of CBT and psychoanalysis. It focuses on identifying unmet needs in life that are transpiring into their current behavior. This therapy allows them to get their needs met in a healthier way and abandon harmful patterns they have developed.

Mentalization-Based Therapy (MBT)

Mentalization-based therapy can be helpful for individuals with BPD who may also have anxiety or depression. It focuses on teaching them to recognize and assess their emotions, as well as those of other people. The gist of this therapy is teaching them to think before acting, so they can avoid impulsive behavior.

Transference-Focused Psychotherapy (TFP)

A person’s difficulties are meant to be better understood via psychotherapy. A licensed psychologist or therapist will discuss clients’ ideas, moods, and feelings during psychotherapy.

Transference-Focused Psychotherapy or TFP may be used in place of DBT therapy for BPD, as it’s found to be just as beneficial. It heavily relies on the relationship between the client and therapist, as that allows the therapist to learn about the client’s relations with others. On the other hand, clients learn from this relationship to apply the same insights to other relationships in their life.

A psychologist can assist you in learning about your mental health condition, how to take charge of your life, and coping strategies during these talking sessions.

Numerous mental health issues, including anxiety disorders, eating disorders, mood disorders, and personality disorders might benefit from psychotherapy.

Psychotherapy can also assist with post-traumatic conditions, relationship challenges, and sleeping disorders. Although it frequently involves one-on-one sessions, psychotherapy can also be conducted in groups or with family members.


STEPPS (Systems training for emotional predictability and problem-solving) is a group therapy that also involves family, friends, and caregivers of the client with BPD. It’s a 20-week treatment that is used as a supplemental therapy to other therapies like DBT or MBT.

BPD Therapist near me, BPD Online Therapy

Online Therapy or BPD therapist near me – How to treat BPD at home?

While traditional therapy done in a therapist’s practice is usual for BPD clients, online BPD therapy is emerging as just as beneficial.

For people with BPD, online therapy may be an even more viable option as they normally need continuous therapy for months or years. Being able to talk to a therapist digitally through a video call or text message makes things easier to manage, rather than waiting for an in-person session for days.

In fact, clients with BPD may need to communicate with their therapist more often than people with other mental disorders or no disorders. Since symptoms can occur at any time, having a therapist available for a quick call or text message can make a big difference.

Many therapists that usually conduct therapy face-to-face in their offices have also included virtual therapy as an option for those who want to do it virtually only.

If you search online ‘BPD treatment near me’ or ‘BPD therapy near me,’ you will instantly get results for therapists located near you. You can visit their website or contact them by phone or email to see whether they offer online therapy.

Another option is going with an online therapy platform that can connect you with a BPD therapist anywhere. is one of the best online therapy platforms in the world, with many qualified therapists. If you’ve been diagnosed with BPD, you can be matched with a therapist who specializes in therapies that work for BPD.

A great advantage of going with is that their therapist is available through a number of communication modes. Aside from your regular therapy sessions, you can contact them through messages within the app in case you need immediate consulting. Plus, it’s a lot more affordable than in-person therapy.

Wrap Up

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) impacts many people among us. In fact, many don’t even recognize that they have this mental disorder until symptoms get too severe and frequent. However, talk therapy, including online therapy, can effectively help such individuals. It can help get their thoughts, feelings, and ultimately, actions under their control and live a better, healthier life.

Your therapist will decide which exact therapy is best for your situation. They might use multiple therapy procedures in addition to regular talk therapy sessions.

1 Comment

  1. lb

    I have struggled my whole life. The meds do not help. I found out at sixty five that this is. I had a wonderful doctor. She moved 2500 miles to set practice up by her family. I have not been able to find someone to help me.


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