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Best Books on Codependency

Best Books on Codependency

To begin, books are a great resource for gaining insights and learning ways to fix a codependent relationship. In this article, we’ll list the best books on codependency from seasoned psychologists and authors.  Codependent relationships aren’t happy or healthy. While...

How to Get Over Someone You Never Dated?

How to Get Over Someone You Never Dated?

Crushes are common and normal. But what if a crush becomes hard to get over? Even though it never came to the point of dating, let alone a serious relationship, you can’t seem to get over that person.  Perhaps it’s the idea of the person or longing for a future you...

The 7 Stages of Trauma Bonding

The 7 Stages of Trauma Bonding

When we build connections with other people, the term “bonding” brings positive connotations with it and it is an essential component of healthy human behavior. In contrast, trauma bonding describes the unhealthy attachment with a person that causes trauma. Indeed,...