It takes hard work, communication, and understanding to make a marriage work. Sometimes, you lose your way and you need to find your way back. Studies show that couples who go to counseling find satisfaction after their sessions end. You have thought about going to counselling and are considering the options.

Whether you are a practising Christian or prefer non-religious spirituality, you can find a form of online holistic counseling that is right for you. The spiritual couples counselling online balances out the difficulites of distance, availability and affordability that may come with trying to find a therapist near you.

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Looking for a marriage counselor?
Get matched with an holistic therapist.

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Online professional therapy also offers the possibility to be matched to a therapist that is experienced, professional, empathetic and kind. Online spiritual marriage counselling also provides a lot of flexibility in therapy. You can simply meet with the therapist online from the comfort of your own home or while commuting to or from work. is an online mental health platform that focuses on relationship therapy. It offers a simple way to connect with your therapist. You will not need to download any programmes but you can do everything through the web browser, at an affordable price.

How does spiritual couples counselling work?

When you realise your marriage needs assistance, it is advisable to seek out marriage counseling. In secular marriage counseling, human understanding, and your own self-will constitute the change agent.

However, spiritual marriage counseling acknowledges that it is the wisdom and power of God or some other supreme power, along with our cooperation, that gives us the supernatural strength to change and to triumph over marital difficulties. Like a secular counselor, a spiritual marriage counselor may offer many practical tools for adjusting your marital attitudes and behavior, such as teaching you skills to promote communication, intimacy, and the re-building of trust.

But where spiritual counseling trumps secular counseling is in the understanding that true transformation is accomplished by the renewing of the mind, which develops the “fruit of the Spirit” conducive to peaceful and loving relationships. Once again, in this approach, the most important thing you can do to improve your marriage is to grow spiritually. Psychic readings can be an easy way to get started.

The expert marriage counselor will help you as a couple through coaching, new ideas, emotional support but most importantly, they provide a safe environment where you as a couple can communicate without the influence of negative communication patterns.

This allows you to really listen to each other and to understand each other. This brings along empathy, feelings of emotional closeness, new solutions to old problems, and a desire to change for the better. In this emotional climate, it becomes easier to unravel negative patterns that cause problems outside of the counseling room and create positive, lasting change.

Looking for a marriage counselor?
Get matched with an holistic therapist.

How does holistic marriage counselling or spiritual couples therapy work?

As a couple you are engaged in regular fighting which may lead to resentment and anger. You feel that if you don’t get expert help right away, you are on the verge of divorce. Rather than yelling, shouting, or belittling, holistic marriage counseling or holistic couples therapy will help you learn how to communicate better and how to respectfully get your deep needs met and to fall deeper in love with each other.

Holistic marriage counseling is not just about talk therapy. It may incorporate art therapy, yoga, and outdoor therapies to support you as a couple. The therapist may offer guided meditation or breathing techniques for anxiety coping skills. Additionally, your holistic marriage counseling session may include art therapy to help you and your partner visualize your positive goals. This helps you to feel attached to each other in a positive way. Rekindling desire, relearning about each other, and having better sex are other benefits of holistic marriage counselling.

Another benefit of holistic marriage counseling is that you learn how to both model positive communication and fair fighting techniques for your children. When they grow up, they will use the same behaviors they were watching their whole lives.

You will probably ask: “How do I find a holistic therapist near me?” The more specialised the therapy is, the more difficult it is to find a therapist “near you”. Online or virtual therapy is worth it, and it works: experience shows that apart from being affordable and convenient, couples can access the help they need, when and how they can best receive it.

Spiritual Marriage Counseling, Holistic Marriage Counseling

Why holistics marriage therapy is important? How to find one near me ?

You must go into counseling with the desire for your marriage to work. If you have it set in your mind that your marriage is over and you’re getting divorced, counseling won’t work.

You must go into therapy with an open mind. You must prepare for the therapist to dig deep into your relationship to heal the painful wounds. Moreover, You must be willing to do whatever it takes to make your marriage healthier and stronger because you can’t bear the thought of divorce.

It is very important to find the right counselor for you and your marriage. That includes finding a therapist who specialises in marriage and family counseling. At Regain, you will be matched with the right therapist for you, you can find islamic marriage counseling if you are muslim for example. All therapists have extensive training tol support you and your partner to strengthen your relationship.

Studies show that the earlier you seek counseling, the greater your chances of satisfaction/success. Therapy provides you with the tools you need to communicate in a healthy way and to strengthen your relationship.

Once you have developed understanding and connection through supported conversations in therapy, you can expect to leave your marriage counseling sessions with practical solutions for how to maintain the positive changes in your relationship.

Does the online therapy accept payment through my insurance?

If you consider using your health insurance for online therapy on, check your coverage carefully by asking the following questions:

  • Do I have mental health insurance benefits?
  • What is my deductible, and has it been met?
  • How many sessions per year does my health insurance cover?
  • What does the coverage amount to per therapy session?
  • Is approval required from my primary care physician?


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