You may be facing social difficulties in school. You may have noticed that when you entered high school, things started to become worse. And, You may feel dejected and hopeless about having a social life. What you may be going through is teenage depression.

The good news is that there are many therapists for teenage depression. There are more resources available today for children and teenagers with social and mental issues. 

To support the work of the people working on, we may receive compensation if you sign up for online counseling through the links provided.

Looking for a specialist?
Get matched therapist for teenage depression online.

We understand how difficult it can be to get through the day if you are dealing with depression.  You feel like everything is working against you, and you are unsure of how to persevere. 

Thankfully, you do not have to carry on living that way. There are methods you may use to assist yourself in resolving such issues and begin to change the type of life you now lead.

You can lead a healthy and happy life. It will not be simple for you to get there, and you would not be able to achieve it by yourself either. A therapist for teenage depression near you or online would be able to help.

Price Comparison for Teenage Depression Therapy

Teenagers frequently struggle with mental health concerns like anxiety, emotional challenges, depression, interpersonal issues, and stress. When they are severe, these problems occasionally call for expert psychological intervention and professional counseling.

Traditional in-person therapy costs $100 to $300 per session. The prices vary according to the location of the therapist, their qualification, and your requirements.

In comparison to in-person therapy, TeenCounseling , a sister platform of BetterHelp, provides easily accessible online counseling at a lesser cost. Online treatment is practical, adaptable, safe, and efficient. 

Instead of meeting with you in an office setting, TeenCounseling’s online counseling enables your therapist to meet with you virtually wherever you are. You can communicate with the therapist over text, live chat video, or phone, depending on your preference.

In-Person Therapy TeenCounseling
$100 to $300 per session.

$60 to $90 per week.

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What Is Depression?

Depression is a mental health illness that wears on you. The next day, or even in the following hour or minutes, you can feel that everything is fine again and your depression is gone, only to be hit even harder. 

It might catch you off guard and leave you feeling much more than just depressed. One of the things you need to watch out for is dismay or depressive symptoms. 

The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that in 2020, 21.0 million adults in the US experienced at least one major depressive episode. It also reported that 4.1 million adolescents aged 12 to 17 experienced at least one depressive episode in 2020.

Depressive illnesses should be treated with the help of a therapist. Make an appointment with your therapist or get in touch with an online mental health expert if you start to do poorly in school, feel withdrawn, or notice a change in your eating habits or sleep patterns.

Signs of Depression

Signs of depression include eating disorders, losing interest in previously enjoyed activities, weight loss, tiredness, sleep disorder, stress, a lack of energy, and lethargy. 

It is also crucial to keep an eye out for suicidal thoughts, difficulty making decisions, feeling of worthlessness, thinking clearly or even concentrating, and any of these symptoms. 

An individual must experience a combination of these symptoms for at least two weeks to be diagnosed with depression. However, not all of them must be present. 

After a diagnosis, it is time to begin the rest of the therapy and work with the individual to enhance their lives and help them feel like they are a part of it. 

Looking for a specialist?
Get matched therapist for teenage depression online.

To support the work of the people working on, we may receive compensation if you sign up for online counseling through the links provided.

Other Common Mental Health Issues Faced By Teenagers

The teenage years are when your body, relationships, and outlook on life undergo significant changes. You may experience a lot of stress as a teen, particularly due to your workload in school, your job, and parental and peer expectations.

Following are a few of the most common mental health issues that you may face as a teenager, and a therapist can assist you with.

Academic Stress

Teenagers who have trouble focusing, especially those who struggle with a condition like ADHD, find it extremely difficult to maintain the balance between the academic and professional worlds.

According to research, approximately 5% of high school students in the United States drop out each year. When responsibilities at work and school grow, sleep and well-being frequently suffer, and you might start to experience anxiety.


About 22% of teenagers in the US reported being bullied in 2019, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. According to the research, one explanation for this is the growing prevalence of bullying among youths due to their increased social media usage.

Discussing with your loved ones and seeking adult assistance in these circumstances is crucial. Remember that asking for assistance is a show of courage, not weakness. Bullying has too severe of an effect on mental health to be disregarded.

therapy for teenage depression

How To Find a Therapist For Teenage Depression Near Me?

Finding a therapist and discovering what options are offered to you can seem overwhelming. You might think you do not need this because you already have too much on your plate. 

Like any ostensibly difficult task, if you get started and move forward incrementally before you realize it, you will have accomplished more than you had anticipated. 

Therapy will help you feel better about yourself and the world around you. Therefore, searching for the best therapists is essential. 

Online Therapy

More and more therapists are conducting sessions through video chat. Others provide their services by email, phone, and text. If you live in a rural region or are caught up with academic tasks, this might be an option for you.

On the other hand, several technology companies are experimenting with providing support groups, seminars, and skill-building programming around mental well-being in addition to providing traditional therapy online. 

There may not be many local counselors in your area. However, you can work virtually with a trained counselor from online therapy platforms like BetterHelp and TeenCounseling. 

Using TeenCounseling, you can find credible therapists by simply filling out a quick questionnaire. You might agree with what they say and believe they could support you with your mental health issue. 

Teens have the choice to speak with qualified mental health specialists about what they are going through in an accessible and convenient way through TeenCounseling. Parents can also use the platform to find their teenage child a therapist. 

Studies have suggested that online counseling may help ease the symptoms of depression. As long as you have a steady internet connection, you can take care of your mental health with online therapy by joining a session with a qualified therapist from any location.


You can also search online therapist directories. It is likely to appear in the search results if you conduct a local counselor’s search. 

You can use the keywords such as your area and issue to focus the search results on therapists who deal with social issues and adolescents. TherapyRoute and Psychology Today are some popular options. 


You can ask your friends or doctor if they can recommend a therapist or organization to you if you feel comfortable bringing up the subject with them.

You can also speak to a guidance counselor at your school to refer you to a therapist for depression. 

The Best Option

Teenagers deal with various difficulties throughout their lives, including academic stress, bullying, and relationships. These difficulties may become too much to handle, resulting in problems like eating disorders, substance abuse, or other mental disorders. 

Virtual therapists of TeenCounseling can assist teenagers in overcoming these problems and enhancing their mental health.

Teenagers can engage in virtual talk therapy with an online mental health professional in a secure setting during counseling sessions to better understand and express their emotions and recognize and address difficulties. Even parents can be involved in the process. 


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